The wild rice database contains peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed articles relevant to California wild rice (Zizania palustris L.) production. Titles of these papers are linked to a PDF file. You will need Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to read these files. 1997 'Franklin' Wild Rice Foundation Seed Production and Variety Evaluation ProjectAuthor(s): Booth & Sundrum
Year: 1997
A Comparison of Selection Methods for Reduced Shattering in Wild RiceAuthor(s): Everett & Stucker
Year: 1983
A Guide to Wild Rice ProductionAuthor(s): Manitoba Agriculture & Oelke
Year: 1984
A Preliminary Study of Ergot of Wild RiceAuthor(s): Fyles
Year: 1915
A study of the genus ZizaniaAuthor(s): Fassett
Year: 1924
Abscisic Acid Levels in the Grain of Wild RiceAuthor(s): Albrecht & Oelke & Brenner
Year: 1979
Airboat design and operational losses of a wild rice harvesterAuthor(s): Archibold & Reed
Year: 1989
An Evaluation of Gambusia Affinis and Bacillus Thuringiensis var. Isrealensis as Mosquito Control Agents in California Wild Rice FieldsAuthor(s): Kramer, Garcia & Colwell
Year: 1988
An Evaluation of the Mosquitofish, Gambusia Affinis, and the Inland Silverside, Menidia Beryllina, as Mosquito Control Agents in California Wild Rice FieldsAuthor(s): Kramer, Garcia & Colwell
Year: 1987
An Evaluation of Factors Affecting Success of Controlled Crosses of Wild Rice (Zizania Plastruis L.) In the GreenhouseAuthor(s): Page & Stucker
Year: 1990
Anatomical Differences of Abscission Regions Among and Within Zizania Species and in Relationships to Seed ShatteringAuthor(s): Jin, Oelke & Biesboer
Year: 1993
Anatomical Distinctions Between the Pistillate Spikelets of the Species of Wild-Rice (Zizania, Poaceae)Author(s): Duvall & Biedsboer
Year: 1988
Annual Variation in Wild Rice ( Zizania palustris L.) Growth and Potential Yield in SaskatchewanAuthor(s): Archibold, Good & Sutherland
Year: 1989
Basis for Differential Susceptibility of Rice (Oryza sativa), Wild Rice (Zizania palustris), and Giant Burreed (Sparganium) to BenzatonAuthor(s): Clay & Oelke
Year: 1988
Breeding Wild RiceAuthor(s): Grombacher, Porter & Everett
Year: 1997
Cadmium, Copper, and Lead in Wild Rice from Central CanadaAuthor(s): Pip
Year: 1993
California Wild Rice Growers Association: 1986 Crop Financial ProjectionsAuthor(s): California Wild Rice Growers Association
Year: 1986
Chemical Control of Giant Burreed ( Sparaganium eurycarpum) in Wild Rice (Zizania palustris)Author(s): Clay & Oelke
Year: 1990
Claviceps from ZizaniaAuthor(s): Pantidou
Year: 1959
Common Waterplantain (Alisma triviale) Interference with Wild rice (Zizania palustris)Author(s): Ransom & Oelke
Year: 1982
Comparison of Fungal Brown Spot Severity to Incidence of Seedborne Bipolaris Oryzae and B. Sorokiniana and Infected Floral Sites on Cultivated Wild RiceAuthor(s): Nyvall, Percich, Porter & Brantner
Year: 1995
Comparison of Propiconazole and Mancozeb Applied Individually or Sequentially for Management of Fungal Brown Spot of Wild RiceAuthor(s): Percich & Huot
Year: 1989
Comparison of Propiconazole Rates for Control of Fungal Brown Spot of Wild RiceAuthor(s): Percich
Year: 1989
Crown and Root Rot of Cultivated Wild Rice in California Caused by Phytophthora erythroseptica sensu latoAuthor(s): Gunnell & Webster
Year: 1988
Cultivated Wild Rice Paddies and Their Relationship to Waterfowl in Northwestern Minnesota-1995 Annual ReportAuthor(s): Huseby
Year: 1995
Cultivated Wild Rice Production in the United StatesAuthor(s): Unknown
Year: 1997
Development of Desiccation Tolerance during Embryogenesis in Rice (Oryza sativa) and Wild Rice (Zizania palustris)Author(s): Still, Kovach & Bradford
Year: 1994
Effect of Continuous and Intermittent Wet Periods at Various Temperatures on Infection of Wild Rice by Bipolaris oryzaeAuthor(s): Percich, Nyvall, Kohls & Malvick
Year: 1994
Effects of Giant Burred (Sparganium eurycarpum) and Shade on Wild Rice (Zizania palustris)Author(s): Clay & Oelke
Year: 1987
Effects of Water Depth and Temperature on the Seedling Growth of Wild Rice, Zizania PalustrisAuthor(s): Gemma, Miura & Hayashi
Year: 1992
Evaluation of Factors Affecting Success of Controlled Crosses of Wild Rice (Zizania palustris L.) in the GreenhouseAuthor(s): Page & Stucker
Year: 1990
Expression of Dehydrin-Like Proteins in Embryos and Seedlings of Zizania Palustris and Oryza sativa during dehydrationAuthor(s): Bradford & Chandler
Year: 1992
First Report of Scab on Cultivated Wild Rice in MinnesotaAuthor(s): Nyvall, Percich, Porter & Brantner
Year: 1995
Genetics and Utilization of Seed Nondormancy in Wild RiceAuthor(s): Porter, Kennard & Phillips
Year: 1997
Germination and early seedling growth in some northern wild rice (Zizania palustris) populations differing in seed sizeAuthor(s): Counts & Lee
Year: 1990
Host Range and Survival of Bipolaris oryzae, Causal Organism of Fungal Brown Spot on Cultivated Wild RiceAuthor(s): Moffat & Nyvall
Year: 1997
Hydroponic culture of wild rice (Zizania palustris L.) and its application to studies of silicon nutrition and fungal brown spot diseaseAuthor(s): Malvick & Percich
Year: 1993
Identification of Factors Involved in Wild Rice DevelopmentAuthor(s): Sedgwick, Han, Porter & Liu
Year: 1998
Imbibitional Damage and Desiccation Tolerance of Wild Rice ( Zizania palustris) seedsAuthor(s): Kovach & Bradford
Year: 1992
Influence of Chemical Seed Treatments on Germination of Dormant Wild Rice SeedsAuthor(s): Oelke & Albrecht
Year: 1979
Integrated Management of Fungal Brown SpotAuthor(s): Percich, Malvick & Brantner
Year: 1992
Integrated Pest Management For RiceAuthor(s): University of California
Year: 1993
Interaction of Temperature and Moisture on Infection of Wild RiceAuthor(s): Percich, Nyvall, Malvick & Kohls
Year: 1997
Lithium metaborate fusion for silicon, calcium, magnesium, and potassium analysis of wild riceAuthor(s): Meyer & Bloom
Year: 1993
Mineralization, Nitrification, and Denitrification in Histosols of Northern MinnesotaAuthor(s): Zanner & Bloom
Year: 1995
Minimal Male/Female Tradeoffs in Zizania palustris, a Monoecious Annual GrassAuthor(s): Goldman
Year: 1991
Minnesota Wild Rice Research-1983Author(s): Grava, Meyer, Bloom, McClellan, Oelke & Clay
Year: 1983
Molecular Genetic Markers For Wild RiceAuthor(s): Kennard, Porter & Phillips
Year: 1995
Nitrogen FertilizationAuthor(s): Bloom & De Alwis
Year: 1998
Polyphenoloxidase in Wild Rice (Zizania palustris)Author(s): Owusu-Ansah
Year: 1989
Progress in Genetic Mapping of Wild RiceAuthor(s): Kennard, Phillips & Porter
Year: 1998
Progress in Mapping Shattering and Nondormancy GenesAuthor(s): Kennard, Porter & Phillips
Year: 1997
Progress in Tissue Culture of Wild RiceAuthor(s): Minnesota Wild Rice Research
Year: 1987
Protein and Lysine Contents in Grains of Three Species of Wild Rice (Zizania; Gramineae)Author(s): Terrell & Wiser
Year: 1975
Recalcitrant Seed Storage Physiology in Three Aquatic Grasses (Zizania palustris, Spartina anglica, and Porteresia coarctata)Author(s): Probert & Longley
Year: 1989
Relationship Between Flowering of Wild Rice and Larval Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Abundance in CaliforniaAuthor(s): Garcia, Voigy & Colwell
Year: 1992
Scab of Cultivated Wild Rice in Minnesota Caused by Fusarium spp.Author(s): Nyvall, Mirocha & Porter
Year: 994
Seed Storage and Viability of Zizania texana and Zizania PalustrisAuthor(s): Teynor & Oelke
Year: 1992
Selection for Disease ResistanceAuthor(s): N/A
Year: 1990
Selection for Heading Date Synchrony in Wild RiceAuthor(s): Hayes & Stucker
Year: 1987
Straw Residues in wild rice (Zizania palustris L.) stands in northern SaskatchewanAuthor(s): Archibold
Year: 1989
Survival and Primary Inoculum Sources of Bipolaris Oryzae and B. Sorokiniana, Causal Organisms of Fungal Brown Spot of Cultivated Wild RiceAuthor(s): Brantner, Nyvall & Percich
Year: 1994
Temperature Dependence of Viability and Dormancy of Zizania palustris var. interior Seeds Stored at High Moisture ContentsAuthor(s): Kovach & Bradford
Year: 1991
The Distinct Morphology and Germination of the Grains of Two Species of Wild Rice (Zizania, Poaceae)Author(s): Aiken
Year: 1986
The Domestication of American Wild Rice (Zizania palustris, Poaceae)Author(s): Hayes, Stucker & Wandrey
Year: 1989
The effect of sediment chemistry on the successful establishment of wild rice (Zizania palustris L.) in northern Saskatchewan water bodiesAuthor(s): Painchaud & Archibold
Year: 1990
The effect of travel speed and speedhead design on yield and quality of wild rice harvested by airboatAuthor(s): Archibold & Reed
Year: 1989
The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of CaliforniaAuthor(s): Hickman
Year: 1993
The Wild Rice Industry: Economics Analysis of Rapid Growth and Implications for MinnesotaAuthor(s): Nelson & Dahl
Year: 1986
Trace Metals in wild rice sold in the United StatesAuthor(s): Nriagu & Lin
Year: 1995
Variation in wild rice (Zizania palustris) stands across northern SaskatchewanAuthor(s): Archibold & Weichel
Year: 1985
Wild Rice (Zizania sp.)Author(s): Marcum
Year: 1998
Wild Rice - Oelke, Teynor & CarterAuthor(s): Oelke, Teynor & Carter
Year: 1992
File: Wild Rice_1992_Oelke.pdf
Wild Rice - RossmanAuthor(s): Rossman
Year: 1973
Wild Rice Attitudes and Usage: The Results of a Study of Consumers and ChefsAuthor(s): California Wild Rice Advisory Board
Year: 1995
Wild Rice BreedingAuthor(s): Porter, Schumer & MacGregor
Year: 1992
Wild Rice Breeding and Germplasm ImprovementAuthor(s): Porter, Grombacher & MacGregor
Year: 1995
Wild Rice Disease ResearchAuthor(s): Percich & Zeyen
Year: 1989
Wild Rice Disease ResearchAuthor(s): Malvick, Percich & Givens
Year: 1991
Wild Rice Domestication, Fungal Brown Spot Disease, and the Future of Commerical Production in MinnesotaAuthor(s): Johnson & Percich
Year: 1992
Wild Rice in CanadaAuthor(s): Aiken, Lee & Punter
Year: 1988
Wild Rice Market Shows Vigorous GrowthAuthor(s): Nelson & Dahl
Year: 1985
Wild Rice Production and Plant Development Research-1992Author(s): Oelke, Teynor & McClellan
Year: 1992
Wild Rice Production and Seed Research-1990Author(s): Oelke & McClellan
Year: 1990
Wild Rice Production in MinnesotaAuthor(s): Oelke
Year: 1982
Wild Rice Production Research-1989Author(s): Oelke, McClellan & Leif
Year: 1989
Wild Rice Production Research-1994Author(s): Oelke, LeGare & Schumer
Year: 1995
Wild Rice Production research-1996Author(s): Oelke, LeGare & Schumer
Year: 1998
Wild Rice Production Research-1997Author(s): Oelke, Kirsch & LeGare
Year: 1998
Wild Rice ResearchAuthor(s): Percich & Malvick
Year: 1990
Wild Rice Sectoral Study for Northern SaskatchewanAuthor(s): Harvest Foods Ltd.
Year: 1998
Wild Rice Variety Testing in CaliforniaAuthor(s): Marcum
Year: 1997
Wild Rice Yield Losses Associated with Growth-Stage-Specific Fungal Brown Spot EpidemicsAuthor(s): Kohls, Percich & Huot
Year: 1987
Wild Rice - Oekle, Porter & GrombacherAuthor(s): Oekle, Porter & Grombacher
File: Wild Rice_Oekle.pdf
Wild Rice-DoreAuthor(s): Dore
Year: 1969
File: Wild Rice_1969_Dore.pdf
Wild-Rice and Sedimentation Processes in a Lake Superior Coastal WetlandAuthor(s): Meeker
Year: 1996